Meet Our AR-15 LULA® loader & unloader
M4 / AR15 LULA® loader and unloader for all metal and plastic 5.56mm / .223 magazines, including PMAG, Hexmag, and Lancer.
Loads 10, 20, 30, 40 & 100 round 5.56 / .223 magazines, like:
- M4 / AR15 USGI (NATO STANAG 4179)
- Magpul PMAG
- Lancer
- Hexmag
- H&K metal 416 / SA80
- Beretta AR 70-90
- SIG Arms (black mags)
The new GEN II:
After 17 years of production, we’ve created a more compact, lighter, smoothly-operated loader & unloader. Further, the new loader fits and releases from both magazines held by a magazine coupler. Part number and price remain unchanged.
- 6.8mm – May load some 6.8 magazines.
- 6.5 Grendel – May load some 6.5 magazines.
- Drum magazines – may not work well with all drum magazines.